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Step-Han (Stephan Umutyan) Diskografisi

Çayda Çıra / Bekleyiş
Çayda Çıra / Bekleyiş - 45lik
3 Ocak 1973 Tarihli Hey Dergisinde Puan Verilmeden Tanıtılmış.

Stephane Umutyan - Youtube Yorumu
Big Surprise ! I Was Just Spending A Some Quiet Time On Youtube... And Big Surprise I Found That Video.... 
Almost 42 Years Passed By... I Was 21 When I Did This Record, İt Was The B Side And Cayda Cira Was The A Side ....
To Find That Song From Paris Where İ'm Living, Was Great. The Song Was Recorded Between 1970- 1971 İt Was My Composition... 
I Always Liked That Kind Of Music İnspired By The Shadows... Thank You, I Hope You'll Enjoy İt... 
Stephan Umutyan